NEW VIDEO AND SCORE - "God Hushes Storms to Silence"

Author: The Notre Dame Folk Choir

We are thrilled to premiere a new piece by Karen Schneider-Kirner, Assistant Director of the Folk Choir, and John Kyler, ND ‘10, ‘13 (and FC alum) "God Hushes Storms to Silence". 

The hymn is based on Psalm 107 and is dedicated to victims of natural disasters and those carrying heavy burdens. This is a perfect piece to be sung with the congregation in unison or in SATB parts with choir and congregation. 

1.God hushes storms to silence, and stills the roaring waves,
With hands outstretched in comfort, relief for future days:
A harbor warm with welcome, a bay of lasting peace, 
a shore of invitation, safe waters, balmed relief.

2.God rescues those in peril, and hears the anguished cry,
Of all who wander restless, of all who plead and sigh:
A mercy filled with patience, self-gift, enduring peace, 
a deed to lift all nations, humility released.

3. God calls on all to follow, to lift the burdened load,
To live among the broken, and walk the sacred road:
This blessed invitation, a covenant and creed, 
to ev'ry generation, fruit bursting from the seed. 
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